Welcome ! 

On behalf of FIT5120 Team Super Ninja welcome our industry mentors from Gridstone to our Mahara page! 

We work to improve the wellbeing of families, especially kids from 5 -10 years of age experiencing obesity and overweight.

About the Project

Our website: sugarbattle.tk

User name for the website: ie

User password: Superninja342 


Our Topic: Harmful Substances


Our focus: sugar in Snacks or drinks


Our target: Parents with overweight or obesity kids (age 5 -10)

Team Logo

Team Logo.png

Team Introduction

Team Number: TA342

Team Name: Super Ninja

Team Member: 

Team Member Ram Purmessur Jizhou Wang Lu Chen Songnan Lin
Photo WechatIMG2 14.02.19.jpeg.1 jizhou.jpg WechatIMG5 21.07.04.jpeg Formal Photo.png
Major Master of Data Science Master of Information Technology Master of Business Information System Master of Network and Security

Lean Canvas


Problem / Need


Unique Value Proposition

Competitive Advantage

Customer Segments

1. Increasing number of obesity childrens in Australia.

2. About 25% of children are obesity or overweight in Australia.

Provide a health tracking website for parents of obesity or overweight children.

1. Parents and kids can know more information about the problem of over sugar intake and be aware of overweight and obesity issue.

2. Parents can also take suggestion from the website and control the sugar intake of their children.

3. Parents can make a plan for their children about what date they will go which parks or playgrounds.

4. Parents can track their playing history by using the calendar function provided on the website. 


Parents of obesity or overweight children (age group from 5 -10)

Key Metrics

Channels (Marketing and Communication)

Using a network traffic calculator to count how much time the website have been visited

Website over the Internet


Executive Summary

The topic of our project is harmful substances and we are focusing on sugary food or drinks and how it harms young children. Our target audience is Parents with overweight or obesity kids (age from 5-10). According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 1 in 4 children and adolescents are overweight or obese.

Our team decided to build a website where there will be an information section  for user to look how much sugar could be in different kinds of food and drinks and how high sugar intake do harm to children's health. This section will also provide healthy diet suggestion to users as well as substitute for food with high sugar content.

The other section is focusing on the children. Children can input some data about what they eat per day and they can know whether they will become fit or fat by seeing the result of what they eat. This section is mainly for children, the web page in this section will colorful and attractive to children.

Moreover, we will provide a community function in our website. Different users can share experience of cooking healthy food, and discuss what substitute is accepted by children. It is more like a blog function in this section.